January Sketchbook Challenge

Sketchbook Challenge – Day 31

Day 31 – Celebration!

Congratulations. You have reached the last day of the 31-day Sketchbook Challenge. 

For today’s prompt, sketch how you like to celebrate!

Do you like an energetic, loud, and colorful celebration, or a quiet one? It certainly is time to celebrate your time spent sketching. Celebrate you! Maybe it will be with a cup of tea and a sweet treat. Or maybe, it comes in the form of a new sketchbook and ink pens. Regardless of how you like to celebrate or what you are celebrating, find a way to capture an aspect of it. 

Keeping a habit for at least 31 days is a huge task. Your brain naturally wants to resist. It is my hope that you gained something from these past 31 days–growth, confidence, inspiration, or motivation to keep on sketching. 

You don’t have to stop sketching tomorrow. In fact, my goal now is the fill a sketchbook for each day of the entire year. I am going to keep going. Perhaps some of you will join me.

January Sketchbook Challenge

Sketchbook Challenge – Day 30

Day 30 – Draw a collection.

Do you collect anything? Maybe silver spoons. Figurines. Cookbooks or recipes.

Most people I know collect something.

Or, maybe you have a collection that you didn’t intentionally start but you just seem to have a bunch of that one thing. It could even be a collection of paper clips.

Regardless, today’s prompt asks you to draw that collection. Now, you don’t have to draw the entire collection. Maybe just a handful of that item.

Feel free to fill the page or just a part. But, take your time with each object and see them individually. Once you have sketch each one, now see how they work together to make a composition!


January Sketchbook Challenge

Sketchbook Challenge – Day 29

Day 29 – Draw something with wheels!

It can be anything with wheels, even if it only has one. Your subject can be a car, a big old bus, or a child’s toy.

You could even look up images to gain inspiration or, once again, use your imagination to create a new contraption. Maybe your object with wheels is in motion, or parked and waiting for the go!


January Sketchbook Challenge

Sketchbook Challenge – Day 28

Day 28 – Draw two objects that typically are not found together. 

You can handle this sketch a few ways- 

  1. You could simply use your imagination and juxtapose two objects together.
  2. You can find two objects in your home and create a unique composition.
  3. Or, you can do a Google search for random objects found together. 

How you go about this is up to you! Have fun. Don’t be afraid to be creative and a little odd. 

Pushing boundaries will help inspire more creativity.

I can’t wait to see what you come up with. 

January Sketchbook Challenge

Sketchbook Challenge – Day 24

Welcome to Day 24. Can you believe this month is almost over? And, can you believe you have been sketching every day? Yay! 

Even if you haven’t, not to worry! Just pick up a pencil and start again. 

OK! Here we go…Today’s prompt is to draw an animal. 

It can be any animal of your choice–real or imagined. Use a real model or a photograph. If a photograph, try to pick one with strong contrast.

Remember, try to see the animal as shapes and values, rather than see it as the finished animal. Drawing is a  matter of seeing, and the more sketchbook practice you do of learning to see, the easier it will get. I do solemnly swear!

May you render your animal freely!

January Sketchbook Challenge

Sketchbook Challenge – Day 14

For today’s prompt, let’s search for an obscure word to sketch, shall we?

So, here’s what you do:

  1. Click on this website –
  2. Peruse the word lists and find something that sparks you. 
  3. If you are having your child join you, here is a kid-friendly word list –
  4. Have fun and be sure to include your obscure word with your sketch so that we can expand our vocabulary!

I can’t wait to see what you find! In fact, I really can’t wait to peruse the words myself. 

January Sketchbook Challenge

Sketchbook Challenge – Day 13


Today’s prompt! Draw something from your pantry!

Will it be a can of soup? Or, how about a classic– A box of macaroni and cheese?

Whatever you choose, again, set it on a flat surface to give it perspective! If you do choose something round, try curving the lines slightly as you shade around the edges.

Let’s fill a pantry of our own with sketches!

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January Sketchbook Challenge

Sketchbook Challenge – Day 11


Today’s Prompt: Draw a mysterious doorway or staircase.

One thing of many that I found striking when traveling abroad is how differently doors, doorways, entryways appear. 

When my husband and I traveled to Malta, we were immediately enamored by the narrow, brightly covered front doors of the dwellings that only had about a foot clearance to the main road. 

Each door was incredibly inviting and stood out among the stone walls. They were beautiful and were works of art in and of themselves. 

This care taken with front entries suggested that behind this door there lies more than meets the eye. That you must enter because if you don’t, you will miss out on an adventure, on new insights, on a sprinkle of magic. And, you have a choice! Will it be the red door with the narrow slots at the top? Or, maybe the weathered blue door with raised wooden panels and touches of black filigrees? 

I loved this about Malta, and many other places I visited. It’s welcoming and enchanting. 

So today, draw a mysterious or ornate doorway. You can always use a door in your own dwelling and add to it! Or maybe you will search online for ‘mysterious doorways’ and work from an image. If you want, you can work from the image in this post! 

And, if you feel so inclined, add a little caption or story that hints at what is behind the door or up the staircase.


January Sketchbook Challenge

Sketchbook Challenge – Day 9

Today’s prompt is Random. 

Look around your dwelling and find some random object you have lying around. Is it a figurine, a random sock without a match? 

Maybe you have forgotten how you acquired it. Maybe you have no idea why you really keep that random thing. But, somehow you just can’t seem to let it go.

If the word random doesn’t spark an object to sketch today, then what does it symbolize for you? Maybe random is an idea or a person. Did anyone randomly send you a letter? Call you?

Whatever the first thing is that comes to mind when you think of the word random, try to capture it on the page. 

Find some rest and treat yourself today,



January Sketchbook Challenge

Sketchbook Challenge – Day 8

Today’s prompt is another word — Patience. 

I don’t know about you, but for me, I find it easier to be patient with others rather than patient with myself. 

Patience is difficult for me because I expect my work, my art to be perfect. I expect it to come out the way I intend, and the way I initially see it in my mind. And this is an odd thing because as a teacher, I don’t expect this from my students at all. For them, they are supposed to make mistakes and grow over time. They are supposed to work on developing a growth mindset and not worry about the end result.

And, for all of you following along with the sketchbook challenge, my intention is to encourage you in the same way. Make a mess. Your work is supposed to be unfinished and imperfect. Focus on the act of sketching. Focus on the fact that you are gifting yourself this time.

Have patience with yourself. This is a long game. We are looking for growth over time. 

So with that, when you think of patience, what comes to mind? Have you found yourself having to be more patient lately? What inspired it? Was it a moment? Was there some object or symbol involved that you can capture in your sketchbook?

You could even sketch the word patience and play with typography. Or, as always, go a completely different route. 

You could even sketch the snail in the image within this post.

Please know that my prompts are always optional.

In patience we must,
